Tag Archives: Improvisation

G Blues: Mandolin Lesson

In this mandolin lesson, we’ll take a look at a blues lead break with two variations in the key of G, that utilises the blues scale, major blues scale, arpeggios, double stops, up and down the neck licks, call and response, plus a variety of articulation. Played over a 12 bar blues, there are a lot of great licks in this break, but be sure to check out all the other blues lessons on the mandolin at Pickin’ Lessons for more great lick ideas and in depth analysis of the scales, double stops and arpeggio patterns used throughout the solo. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 4: Guitar Lesson

In this fourth volume of Bluegrass licks on the guitar, we’ll focus on applying licks to a melody. In the lesson we’ll be using the melody from ‘My Walkin’ Shoes’ in the key of B (capo 4), utilising the ‘G’ shapes against the capo, so can be transposed easily. There are two breaks in the lesson, and we’ll analyse both breaks against the basic melody and chord progression, working through the thought process and application of a variety of licks from the earlier lessons – some more generic, and others that are manipulated to fit the melody and even harmonise against it. Go to lesson...

Slow Blues In G: Mandolin Lesson

In this lesson, we’ll learn a great blues break in the key of G. At a groovy, slow tempo, this blues is fun to play and is packed full of lots of great licks and ideas! We’ll cover the G7, C7 & D7 chord positions, looking at the major pentatonic, minor pentatonic & dominant 7th arpeggio patterns, and how the tones of the these patterns can be blended to create some great ideas, with a lot of analysis while we cover the licks. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 3: Guitar Lesson

In this third instalment of Bluegrass Licks, we’ll dive into improvising up & down the neck, in the key of G. We’ll focus on three triad shapes with surrounding major blues scale boxes, which are all movable and can be used for any chord or key. The example break and licks are played over the G, C & D chords, while looking at how to link and transition between the chords as we move into positions up the neck. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 2: Mandolin Lesson

In this second instalment of Bluegrass Licks on the mandolin, we’ll dive into a movable set of licks, demonstrated in the key of B, but can be applied to any key or chord! We’ll focus on licks in two connected scale positions, linked with two double positions, a bunch of example licks and an example break over a standard chord progression using the 1 4 & 5 chords. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 1: Mandolin Lesson

In many styles of music, having some knowledge of how to phrase licks and ‘get the sound’ is important, and in this lesson, we’ll do exactly that, by learning some great sounding bluegrass licks! In the key of G, we’ll focus on licks played over the G, C & D chords, while looking at how to link and transition between the chords. Go to lesson...

Blues Lead Break (G): Mandolin Lesson

Let’s learn a blues lead break in the key of G on the mandolin! 12 bar blues with a shuffle feel, twice round, with lots of licks using the major & minor blues scale, up & down the neck. Also featuring double stops, slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs and a bend, this will certainly challenge the advancing picker! Go to lesson...

Mandolin Essentials #5: Linking Double Stops-Part 2

In the fifth Mandolin Essentials lesson, we’ll continue to cover how to link double stops with scales & arpeggios in one streamlined position. This lesson will cover an adjacent position, which we can combine with what we covered in part 1.

It’s an important skill for improvisation, melody/break construction, fill licks, etc. Go to lesson...

Mandolin Essentials #4: Linking Double Stops-Part 1

In the fourth Mandolin Essentials lesson, we’ll cover how to link double stops with scales & arpeggios in one streamlined position. It’s an important skill for improvisation, melody/break construction, fill licks, etc. If you’re wanting to improve your improv, having a sound knowledge of these closed position patterns will grow your mandolin muscles ready for the next time a break comes along…in any key! Go to lesson...