Category Archives: Mandolin Licks

‘Waltz Time’ Licks: Mandolin Lesson

In this mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at some ‘Waltz Time’ Licks using the blues scale, major blues scale and arpeggios. Waltz time is the 3/4 time signature & all of these examples are in the key of A, but are movable in both open & closed positions. Other techniques we’ll be focusing on are down stroke picking, double stops & tremolo. Go to lesson...

Arpeggio Licks: Mandolin

In this mandolin lesson we’ll follow up the Mandolin Arpeggios 101 mini-course by learning and analysing 13 licks that feature & focus on arpeggios. Make sure you’ve learnt the arpeggio patterns in the previous lesson, as in this lesson we won’t spend much time on the patterns, but rather analyse how to use them. Go to lesson...

Arpeggios | Blending With Minor Scales | Mandolin

In this mandolin lesson we’ll follow up the Mandolin Arpeggios 101 mini-course & Arpeggio Licks Lesson by learning and analysing a variety of licks that feature & focus on arpeggios, while blending with the natural minor & harmonic minor scales. Make sure you’ve learnt the arpeggio patterns & licks in the previous lessons, as in this lesson we won’t spend much time on the patterns, but rather analyse how to blend them with the minor scales. Go to lesson...