In this mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at some ‘Waltz Time’ Licks using the blues scale, major blues scale and arpeggios. Waltz time is the 3/4 time signature & all of these examples are in the key of A, but are movable in both open & closed positions. Other techniques we’ll be focusing on are down stroke picking, double stops & tremolo. Go to lesson...
Category Archives: Advanced Mandolin
Angel Band: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this mandolin lesson for ‘Angel Band’, we’ll take a look at an advancing intermediate arrangement of the song, using double stops, in a movable pattern (Key of B). The arrangement has 2 variations, one each for the verse & chorus melodies.
‘Angel Band’ is a popular, old gospel song that is always a great session sing-along! Go to lesson...
Angeline The Baker: Mandolin Lesson
An arrangement of Angeline The Baker for the mandolin! In this arrangement, there are 3 different versions.
Here’s the preview and lesson for variation #1:
Go to lesson... Arkansas Traveler: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this jam packed Arkansas Traveler: Mandolin Lesson, we’ll take a look at a fun & challenging arrangement for the intermediate/advanced picker. The arrangement has 2 variations of the melody for both Part A & B. Arkansas Traveler is a traditional fiddle tune in the key of D.
The first variation is a basic version of the melody with a handful of tricky licks for the advancing beginner/intermediate picker. Go to lesson...
Arpeggio Study No.1: Mandolin
As part of the lesson series covering arpeggios, this piece in the key of Dm, Arpeggio Study No.1, focuses on covering minor, major & dom7 arpeggios, found in the open position & up the neck. While the piece uses arpeggios exclusively, there is also an important focus on left-hand position & right-hand picking technique. Go to lesson...
Ash Grove, The: Mandolin Lesson (Chord Melody)
In this Chord Melody mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at a pretty arrangement of a traditional waltz, The Ash Grove. The tune is in the key of D Major and the left hand chord positions can be quite a challenge. I would suggest this tune is for the advanced student, as placing the chords amongst the melody certainly makes the arrangement more difficult. Go to lesson...

Banish Misfortune: Mandolin
Banish Misfortune has an awesome melody, with some interesting phrases and rhythm. Lot’s of fun to play & definitely one of my favourites! It’s a traditional Irish jig in the key of D mixolydian and has 3 parts. In this lesson we’ll look at 2 variations, the basic melody plus an advanced variation with more ornamentation, both suited to the more advanced picker. Go to lesson...
Billy In The Low Ground: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at Billy in the Low Ground, a popular fiddle tune played in the key of C. There are 2 variations in this arrangement, a basic, intermediate version and a more advanced variation. The lesson also includes technical work which covers some of the fundamental technique required for the tune & your general playing! Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 1: Mandolin Lesson
In many styles of music, having some knowledge of how to phrase licks and ‘get the sound’ is important, and in this lesson, we’ll do exactly that, by learning some great sounding bluegrass licks! In the key of G, we’ll focus on licks played over the G, C & D chords, while looking at how to link and transition between the chords. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 2: Mandolin Lesson
In this second instalment of Bluegrass Licks on the mandolin, we’ll dive into a movable set of licks, demonstrated in the key of B, but can be applied to any key or chord! We’ll focus on licks in two connected scale positions, linked with two double positions, a bunch of example licks and an example break over a standard chord progression using the 1 4 & 5 chords. Go to lesson...

Blues in G: Mandolin Lesson
In this mandolin lesson, we’ll learn a Blues in G, combining both rhythm & lead in the one arrangement. With 2 variations over the 12 bar blues, lots of licks & rhythm variation, this is a lot of fun on the mandolin! It works well at a variety of tempos, as a solo piece or with accompaniment. Go to lesson...

Blues Lead Break (G): Mandolin Lesson
Let’s learn a blues lead break in the key of G on the mandolin! 12 bar blues with a shuffle feel, twice round, with lots of licks using the major & minor blues scale, up & down the neck. Also featuring double stops, slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs and a bend, this will certainly challenge the advancing picker! Go to lesson...
Blues Licks: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at some Blues Licks using the blues scale, major blues scale and arpeggios for the chords in the 12 bar blues, played in G. Other techniques we’ll be focusing on are down stroke picking, double stops & tremolo. The licks & concepts in this lesson will be suited to the advancing intermediate picker, wanting to develop their improvising skills. Go to lesson...

Colonel John Irwin: (Chord Melody) Mandolin Lesson
Colonel John Irwin is an Air, composed by Turlough O’Carolan. There are two parts to the tune, in the key of D and this arrangement is played in the chord melody style. With a very pretty melody, the chord melody structure adds another layer to the mix, giving it great depth and is a tune well suited to the advanced picker. Go to lesson...

Cooley’s Reel: Mandolin Lesson
Cooley’s Reel is a traditional Irish reel in the key of Em (Dorian) and this arrangement contains two variations. It has a great feel and features some difficult passages that use arpeggios, triplet slurs and pedal tones, all while giving your right-hand a brilliant work out. While a challenge for the advanced picker, Cooley’s Reel is super fun to play & sounds great! Go to lesson...

Cripple Creek: Mandolin Lesson
Cripple Creek is a popular bluegrass tune, played in the key of A. In this arrangement, we’ll cover four variations, beginning with an intermediate version, progressing into advanced variations that include some great techniques, double stops and bluesy embellishments on the melody. It’s a great tune, popular with banjo pickers, and with this mandolin break, you’ll keep up with the best of them! Go to lesson...
Cumberland Gap: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at the traditional fiddle tune, Cumberland Gap. A challenging, faster tempo bluegrass tune played in the Key of G. There are several variations within the break and is a challenging tune for the advanced picker. In this lesson we’ll break down how to play the tune, focusing on some exercises for fluency and exploring ideas to increase your tempo. Go to lesson...

Da New Rigged Ship: Mandolin Lesson
Da New Rigged Ship is a traditional Scottish reel, with a 3 part form. Part A & C are in Am (dorian), while part B modulates into A Major. There are two variations within the arrangement, the basic melody and a more advanced variation, featuring some great rhythm ornamentation. While the basic melody is easy enough to pick, this tune would suit the advanced picker due to the tempo and will be a great addition to your repertoire. Go to lesson...

Fairmoy Lasses: Mandolin Lesson
Fairmoy Lasses is a traditional Irish reel, in the key of Em in Part A and moves to G in Part B. Played at a fast tempo, it certainly suits the advanced picker, but also makes for a great technical exercise. The melody is fairly simple and in the lesson we’ll cover strategies you can use to help increase your tempo while learning the tune. Go to lesson...

Father O’Flynn: Mandolin Lesson
Father O’Flynn is a lively tune, in the key of D. It’s a jig, and in this lesson we’ll cover how to approach the right-hand to effectively capture the rhythm and pulse for the 6/8 time signature. Played at a fast tempo, this tune is well suited to the advanced picker, and this arrangement incorporates some advanced articulations for the right-hand. Go to lesson...
Fill Licks #2: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this Fill Licks #2: Mandolin Lesson we’ll take a look at 6 movable licks that are built with the hybrid mixolydian blues scale. Make sure you’ve checked out the first Fill Licks: Mandolin Lesson as we are using the same scales, arpeggio patterns & theory when playing these new licks. Go to lesson...
Fill Licks: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this Fill Licks: Mandolin Lesson we’ll take a look at 4 movable licks that are built with the hybrid mixolydian blues scale. These licks work great when played between vocal phrases in a song, but can also be used in general improvisation. The licks are all positioned conveniently around their equivalent chop chord. Go to lesson...
Forked Deer: Mandolin
Learn to play the traditional fiddle tune Forked Deer with this video lesson. The arrangement includes a number of variations and licks within both parts A & B. Go to lesson...

G Blues: Mandolin Lesson
In this mandolin lesson, we’ll take a look at a blues lead break with two variations in the key of G, that utilises the blues scale, major blues scale, arpeggios, double stops, up and down the neck licks, call and response, plus a variety of articulation. Played over a 12 bar blues, there are a lot of great licks in this break, but be sure to check out all the other blues lessons on the mandolin at Pickin’ Lessons for more great lick ideas and in depth analysis of the scales, double stops and arpeggio patterns used throughout the solo. Go to lesson...
Good Natured Man: Mandolin
The Good Natured Man is a great traditional Irish Hornpipe. In the key of G, the tune moves along at a quick tempo & features many triplets within the melody. As part of this lesson, we’ll focus on the efficiency of the picking hand, specifically looking at the follow-through & alternating picking techniques, directly relating to the triplet. Go to lesson...
Hangman’s Reel: Mandolin
Learn to play the traditional fiddle tune Hangman’s Reel with this video lesson. The arrangement includes a number of variations. Go to lesson...
Hot Major Blues Licks: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at nine hot licks that are built with the major blues scale. We’re in the key of G for this lesson, with licks over the G, C & D chords in both the open position and up the neck. As part of this lesson we’ll dive into a little theory (major blues scale in open & movable patterns, plus the major arpeggio found inside the scale) to help you understand how to use these licks and also start to build your own! Go to lesson...
John Ryan’s Polka: Mandolin Lesson
John Ryan’s Polka is a well known traditional Irish polka, played in the key of D. In this lesson, we’ll cover the basic melody, but as simple as the melody is, we’ll then turn our attention to increasing speed in our playing. We’ll cover several speed exercises and an important strategy to help in your progress. Go to lesson...

Joy To The World: Christmas Mandolin
In this lesson for Joy To The World on the mandolin, we’ll take a look at a fun arrangement of the Christmas Carol played in a bluegrass style, for the both the intermediate & advanced picker.
In the key of A, there are 2 versions inside this arrangement. The first is a basic version of the melody with plenty of space in the rhythm & a little extra bluegrass flavour added. Go to lesson...
Lord Inchiquin: Chord Melody Mandolin Lesson
In this Celtic Chord Melody mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at a pretty arrangement of the Turlough O’Carolan tune, Lord Inchiquin. The tune is in the key of D Major and interestingly, the time signature we are in is 6/4 (six quarter note beats per measure).
The left hand chord positions can be quite a challenge, but the right hand is relatively straight forward. Go to lesson...

Maid Behind The Bar: Mandolin Lesson
The Maid Behind The Bar is a traditional Irish reel, with a 2 part form, in the key of D. While an easy tune to pick up with a sweet melody, the tempo is fast, making it a great tune for the advanced picker wanting a challenge! In the lesson, we’ll cover the important techniques to focus on to help you get the tune up to speed. Go to lesson...
Merry Blacksmith, The: Mandolin
The Merry Blacksmith is a traditional Irish reel in the Key of D. In this lesson we’ll learn the melody with the addition of some advanced ornamentation including the grace note slur and triplet 16th notes, suiting the advanced intermediate student. The added ornaments certainly spice up the tune, giving it an extra flair. Go to lesson...

Monaghan Jig: Mandolin Lesson
The Monaghan Jig is an awesome tune in the key of Em, played at a fast tempo and suited to the advanced picker. There are four parts to the tune, each presenting their own challenges; arpeggios, picking technique, 16th note rhythms plus ensuring the 6/8 feel is accented. Spend some time on this tune, it will certainly develop your picking and will be a great addition to your repertoire! Go to lesson...
Morrison’s Jig: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at the traditional Irish tune, Morrison’s Jig. A challenging jig, the tune is in E Dorian, a minor mode. Being the 2nd mode of D Major, it shares the same key signature and contains the notes E F# G A B C# D. Go to lesson...
Mountain Dew (Build A Break): Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this Build A Break mandolin lesson for ‘Mountain Dew’, we’ll take a look at 3 variations, starting out with the basic melody (beginner), adding double stops to the melody (intermediate) and finishing with melody, double stops & added passing notes (advanced).
The arrangement is in the key of Bb, and is a movable break. Go to lesson...

O’Carolan’s Dream: (Chord Melody) Mandolin Lesson
O’Carolan’s Dream has a beautiful melody composed by Turlough O’Carolan. In the key of Am, this arrangement features the chord melody technique throughout, which enables us to support the melody with the chords we find in the harmony, allowing this piece to sound great as a solo mandolin arrangement. With some difficult fretting hand positions, this piece is suited to the advancing intermediate picker – but, spend some time learning the melody and chord positions, and this piece will certainly be a rewarding addition to your repertoire. Go to lesson...

Ragtime Annie (V2): Mandolin Lesson
Ragtime Annie is a quick tempo, trad fiddle tune, played in the key of D. It’s a great session tune, and this arrangement features double stops – built to be played with power and at speed, great for a rowdy session! As we break down the tune slowly, it is quite manageable, all with the aim of once memorised, you’ll be able to dial up the tempo as needed! Go to lesson...
Salt Creek: Mandolin
Salt Creek is a great traditional fiddle tune and a popular session tune. In the key of A, the tune moves along at a quick tempo & this arrangement features 2 variations of the melody for both Part A & B. As part of this lesson, we’ll break down the ideas, which focus on the use of the mixolydian scale, with the addition of the minor 3rd. Go to lesson...
Shuckin’ The Corn: Mandolin Lesson
Learn how to play ‘Shuckin’ The Corn’ on the mandolin in this video lesson! 3 variations, with slow, up close video, TAB & notation & a practice backing track. If you pick with any banjo players, this is a tune you better have under your fingers! Go to lesson...

Slow Blues In G: Mandolin Lesson
In this lesson, we’ll learn a great blues break in the key of G. At a groovy, slow tempo, this blues is fun to play and is packed full of lots of great licks and ideas! We’ll cover the G7, C7 & D7 chord positions, looking at the major pentatonic, minor pentatonic & dominant 7th arpeggio patterns, and how the tones of the these patterns can be blended to create some great ideas, with a lot of analysis while we cover the licks. Go to lesson...
Soldier’s Joy: Mandolin
An advanced arrangement of Soldier’s Joy for the mandolin. Inspired by the playing of David Grisman and Larry Rice, there are a number of variations within the arrangement. Go to lesson...

Three Sea Captains: Mandolin Lesson
The Three Sea Captains is a traditional Irish jig, played at a medium tempo, in the key of G. With a jolly melody, both the A & B parts are longer than the usual fiddle tune, making for a more substantial tune to pick. I’d suggest that you need to be comfortable with the jig picking structure, as this tune takes it up a notch with a variety of rhythmic variation featured throughout, making this tune more suited to the advanced intermediate picker. Go to lesson...

Waltzing Matilda (Chord Melody): Mandolin Lesson
Waltzing Matilda is a well known traditional Australian bush song, and in this version on the mandolin, we’ll look at a chord melody arrangement in the key of G. You can find the basic melody and a bluegrass inspired arrangement on Pickin’ Lessons, but here, the melody is supported by 2 & 3 note chords in the chord melody style, and suits the tune very well. Go to lesson...
Will The Circle Be Unbroken: Mandolin Lesson
G’day! In this Will The Circle Be Unbroken: Mandolin Lesson we’ll take a look at the basic melody, played in the open position (Key of A), an advancing beginner arrangement in a movable pattern, using tremolo (Key of D) and finish off with an intermediate arrangement of the tune, using double stops also in a movable pattern (Key of G). Go to lesson...