Category Archives: Advanced Guitar

Angeline The Baker: Fingerstyle Guitar

Angeline The Baker is a popular fiddle tune and in this lesson we’ll look at a Travis picking arrangement. In the key of D, the guitar is tuned to Open D (DADF#AD), which works great for the melody and as part of this lesson we’ll break down the tune, working through the rhythm & technique. Go to lesson...

Arkansas Traveler: Guitar Lesson

G’day! In this jam packed Arkansas Traveler: Guitar Lesson, we’ll take a look at a fun & challenging arrangement for the intermediate/advanced picker, containing 2 variations of the melody for both Part A & B. Arkansas Traveler is a traditional fiddle tune in the key of D.

The first variation is played on the lower strings in the open position, built for speed and ease featuring a range of ornaments. Go to lesson...

Back Side Of Albany: Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

The Back Side of Albany is a traditional American reel in the key of Em (dorian). In this fingerstyle arrangement, the melody is supported by harmonising bass notes that compliments the tune in a pretty way, with some really interesting chord movements throughout. This is suited to the advanced fingerstyle player, especially as the tune requires a quick, lively tempo.  Go to lesson...

Banish Misfortune: Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar

Banish Misfortune is a traditional Irish Jig (6/8), in the key of D (mixolydian – 5th mode of G). We’re in open Dsus4 tuning (DADGAD), and this fingerstyle arrangement is suited to the advanced picker, with challenging left & right hand positions, that require strong technique to play clearly and fluently. Go to lesson...

Big Sciota (Version 2): Guitar Lesson

Big Sciota is certainly one of my all time favourite fiddle tunes, and this is the second version here on the website. In the key of G, this arrangement is suited to the advanced picker, with challenging techniques that include deep tones, floating and chordal, that all require strong technique to play clearly and fluently. Go to lesson...

Black Mountain Rag (A): Guitar Lesson

Black Mountain Rag is a popular fiddle tune, commonly played in 3 parts. This version is in the key of A (capo 2) and will pair great with the version in D. It’s a popular way to play the tune, jump back and forth between the two keys! I’d suggest the arrangement is suited to the advancing intermediate picker, but as always, in this lesson we’ll break down the tune and look at some helpful tips. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 1: Guitar Lesson

In many styles of music, having some knowledge of how to phrase licks and ‘get the sound’ is important, and in this lesson, we’ll do exactly that, by learning some great sounding bluegrass licks! In the key of G, we’ll focus on licks played over the G, C & D chords, while looking at how to link and transition between the chords. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 2: Guitar Lesson

In this second instalment of Bluegrass Licks, we’ll dive into a more modal set of licks, in the key of G. We’ll focus on licks played over the G, D & F chords, while looking at how to link and transition between the chords. Our example chord progression is the old standard ‘Little Maggie’, but there are many great tunes and songs that feature the F chord in the key of G. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 3: Guitar Lesson

In this third instalment of Bluegrass Licks, we’ll dive into improvising up & down the neck, in the key of G. We’ll focus on three triad shapes with surrounding major blues scale boxes, which are all movable and can be used for any chord or key. The example break and licks are played over the G, C & D chords, while looking at how to link and transition between the chords as we move into positions up the neck. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 4: Guitar Lesson

In this fourth volume of Bluegrass licks on the guitar, we’ll focus on applying licks to a melody. In the lesson we’ll be using the melody from ‘My Walkin’ Shoes’ in the key of B (capo 4), utilising the ‘G’ shapes against the capo, so can be transposed easily. There are two breaks in the lesson, and we’ll analyse both breaks against the basic melody and chord progression, working through the thought process and application of a variety of licks from the earlier lessons – some more generic, and others that are manipulated to fit the melody and even harmonise against it. Go to lesson...

Bonaparte Crossing The Rhine: Guitar Lesson

In this guitar lesson we’ll take a look at an Old Time tune, Bonaparte Crossing The Rhine. The tune is in the key of D Major and we are in drop D tuning (DADGBE). The arrangement features crosspicking, triplets and other articulation and is suited to the advanced intermediate student. Go to lesson...

Boys Of Ballycastle: Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

The Boys of Ballycastle is a traditional Irish hornpipe in the key of Em. In this lesson, we’ll look at a fingerstyle arrangement that has some great movement in the bass line, while supporting the intricate melody. You’ll need to have a solid technique in both hands to play this tune well, and is suited to the advanced picker. Go to lesson...

Boys Of Bluehill: Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

The Boys Of Bluehill is a popular traditional Irish hornpipe, in the key of D. In this arrangement, we’ll learn a finger style version that takes the tune and places it in DADGAD tuning, adding embellishments to the melody and mixes it with some really interesting harmony accompaniment. Often played at a fast tempo, I’d suggest this arrangement is suited to the advanced finger picker…but don’t be put off by the tempo; I think it also works beautifully at a slower tempo! Go to lesson...

Carolan’s Welcome: Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

Carolan’s Welcome is a traditional air (3/4), composed by Turlough O’Carolan. This fingerstyle arrangement on the guitar is in the key of Am, played out of standard tuning and is well suited to the advanced picker. All of O’Carolan’s melodies are beautiful and this is no exception. Played at a relatively fast tempo, there are some challenging positions to work through, but well worth the effort to get your fingers around the tune. Go to lesson...

Childgrove: Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

Childgrove is a traditional English country dance, played in the key of Am. In this lesson. we’ll dive into an arrangement that works its way up the neck in part A, with plenty of triads and harmony, while playing down the neck in part B with the melody and deep tones really setting the mood. Go to lesson...

Colonel John Irwin: Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

Colonel John Irwin is an Air (6/8), composed by Turlough O’Carolan, in the key of D (drop D tuning), and has a very sweet melody. This fingerstyle arrangement is suited to the advanced picker, with challenging left-hand positions that require strong technique to play clearly and fluently. As part of this lesson, we’ll cover the techniques needed to play this beautiful tune. Go to lesson...

Cooley’s Reel: Guitar Lesson

G’day! In this Cooley’s Reel: Guitar Lesson, we’ll take a look at a fun arrangement of the melody for the intermediate/advanced picker, containing 2 variations of the melody within part A & B. Cooley’s Reel is a traditional Irish reel in the key of Em (Dorian). It has challenging left hand note combinations featuring chordal accents, arpeggios and triplets and is a great work out for your right hand with a lot of movement over the strings, but is super fun to play & sounds great! Go to lesson...

Cordal Jig: Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

The Cordal Jig  is a traditional Irish jig in the key of D. This fingerstyle arrangement on the guitar is in open D tuning (DADF#AD), allowing for a really pretty way of approaching the melody and will be a great tune for the advanced picker. It is a fantastic melody to pick and will be a great addition to your trad fingerstyle repertoire! Go to lesson...

Cripple Creek: Guitar Lesson

Cripple Creek is a popular fiddle tune, played in the key of A. This is the second version on the site, with the first version found in the flatpicker crash course. In this arrangement, there are four variations, starting out with a basic version of the melody, through to more advanced variations featuring double stops, ornaments, blue notes and embellishment around the melody. Go to lesson...

Da New Rigged Ship: Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

Da New Rigged Ship is a traditional Scottish reel, with a 3 part form. Part A & C are in Am (dorian), while part B modulates into A Major. In this lesson we’ll dive into an arrangement that contains two variations, that will suit the advanced picker.

The first variation sets the melody & positions, while the second variation includes more variation and articulation. Go to lesson...

Fanny Power (O’Carolan): Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

Fanny Power is a beautiful tune composed by Turlough O’Carolan. It is an Air, that has a sweet sounding melody, played in the key of G, in the 6/8 time signature. In this fingerstyle arrangement, the melody is supported by bass lines from the harmony, delivering a wonderful combination of movement between the melody. Go to lesson...

Father O’Flynn: Guitar Lesson

Father O’Flynn is a great tune, in the key of D. It’s a jig, and in this lesson we’ll cover how to approach the right-hand to effectively capture the rhythm and pulse for the 6/8 time signature. Played at a fast tempo, this tune is well suited to the advanced picker, and this arrangement incorporates some advanced articulations for the right-hand. Go to lesson...

Good Natured Man: Guitar Lesson

Good Natured Man is a traditional Irish hornpipe, with a 2 part form, in the key of G. The arrangement combines several great techniques including crosspicking, floating, triplets, all combined with the hornpipe feel. The tempo is reasonably fast, making it a great tune for the advanced picker wanting a challenge, especially combined with the other techniques! Go to lesson...

Improv Up The Neck (w/ Worried Man Blues): Guitar Lesson

G’day! In this Improv Up The Neck: Guitar Lesson, we’ll take a look at improvising up the neck for the advanced picker. We’ll learn 3 major chord arpeggio shapes in the key of A, the major & minor blues scales, identify chord tones & passing tones, including the b3, b5 & b7, plus learn some example licks that are featured in the up the neck break for “Worried Man Blues”. Go to lesson...

John Hardy (Ver 2): Guitar Lesson

John Hardy is a traditional American folk song, and a session regular. In this lesson. we’ll dive into an arrangement that has 3 bluegrass style breaks, in the key of G. The first break is great for a kick off, and is also the easiest of the 3. As we progress, the breaks become more involved, and the 3rd break is up the neck and suited to the advanced picker. Go to lesson...

John Ryan’s Polka: Guitar Lesson

John Ryan’s Polka is a well known traditional Irish polka, played in the key of D (Drop D Tuning). There are two variations within this arrangement, a basic version of the melody and a variation focused on the deeper tones in the drop d tuning with some interesting syncopation. It’s a fast tune, perfect for an advancing picker, and the basic version is great to get up to speed, while the variation adds a bit of flare to the tune! Go to lesson...

Joy To The World: Bluegrass Guitar Lesson

G’day! In this Joy To The World: Bluegrass Guitar Lesson, we’ll take a look at a fun arrangement of this Christmas Carol played in a bluegrass style, for the both the intermediate & advanced picker. The arrangement is played out of G shapes, capo’d at the 2nd fret, putting us in the key of A. Go to lesson...

Kid On The Mountain: Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

The Kid On The Mountain is traditional Irish slip jig (9/8), played at a fast tempo, in the key of Em. There are five parts to the tune, each containing some excellent, yet demanding picking passages. This fingerstyle arrangement will suit the advanced picker and will be a great addition to your repertoire…who doesn’t love a slip jig! Go to lesson...

Lord Inchiquin: Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

In this Celtic fingerstyle guitar lesson we’ll take a look at a pretty arrangement of the Turlough O’Carolan tune, Lord Inchiquin. The tune is in the key of D Major and we are in ‘Drop D’ tuning (string 6 = D). Interestingly, the time signature we are in is 6/4 (six quarter note beats per measure). Go to lesson...

Maid Behind The Bar: Guitar Lesson

The Maid Behind The Bar is a traditional Irish reel, with a 2 part form, in the key of D. The melody is challenging on the guitar, with a wide range of movement. The tempo is fast, making it a great tune for the advanced picker wanting a challenge! In the lesson, we’ll cover the important techniques to focus on to help you get the tune up to speed.  Go to lesson...

Monaghan Jig: Guitar Lesson

The Monaghan Jig is an awesome tune in the key of Em, played at a fast tempo, and suited to the advanced picker. There are four parts to the tune, each presenting their own challenges; cross picking, arpeggios, picking technique, 16th note rhythms plus ensuring the 6/8 feel is accented. Spend some time on this tune, it will certainly develop your picking and will be a great addition to your repertoire! Go to lesson...

O Come All Ye Faithful: Christmas Fingerstyle Guitar

‘O Come All Ye faithful’ is a beautiful Christmas carol and in this fingerstyle guitar lesson, we’ll learn a variation that supports the melody in both 2 & 3 part harmony. In the key of G (drop D tuning), the dynamic rises and falls as the harmony moves in and out of 2 & 3 part, high & low, creating a lovely sense of contrast to the piece. The Go to lesson...

O’Carolan’s Draught: Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

O’Carolan’s Draught is a beautiful Turlough O’Carolan melody, in the key of G. In this fingerstyle arrangement, we have some great movement and some challenging left-hand positions, suited to the advanced player. In the lesson we’ll break down the technique, fingering and positions for both A & B. Played at a slow tempo, this piece is  a challenge, but very rewarding and well worth getting to know. Go to lesson...

Over The Waterfall: Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

Over The Waterfall is a popular traditional tune, with a 2 part form, in the key of D. This fingerstyle arrangement has both a basic & advanced variation and the guitar is tuned to the lovely sounding DADGAD tuning. Featuring a variety of intricate techniques, including drones, triplet slurs, octaves and left-hand taps, the arrangement is certainly one of my favourites. Go to lesson...

Pig Ankle Rag V2: Guitar Lesson

Pig Ankle Rag – Version 2 – Advanced! As a follow up to the basic version of the tune, here is a great version with variations up the neck, embellishment of the melody and loads of blue notes and chromatic passages, which really suits the style. We’re in the key of D (capo 2), and I’d suggest you check out the basic version here first, if you haven’t already. Go to lesson...

Ragtime Annie: Guitar Lesson

Ragtime Annie is a quick tempo, trad fiddle tune, played in the key of D (capo 2). It’s a great session tune, and this guitar arrangement features double stops & triads as part of the melody, making it a challenging tune to pick.  As we break down the tune slowly, it is quite manageable, all with the aim of once memorised, you’ll be able to dial up the tempo as needed! Go to lesson...

Rolling Waves, The: Guitar Lesson (Celtic Fingerstyle)

G’day! In The Rolling Waves: Guitar Lesson, we’ll take a look at a Celtic fingerstyle arrangement of the tune, for the advanced picker. The Rolling Waves is a traditional Irish Jig in the key of D, and in this arrangement the guitar is tuned in DADGAD (open Dsus4). The left hand note combinations feature a number of hammer-on, pull-off and tapping ornaments and is also quite a challenge for your right hand! Go to lesson...

Salt Creek: Crosspicking Guitar Lesson

G’day! This guitar lesson is in 2 parts; first we’ll be working on some crosspicking technique and several exercises to help improve accuracy; in the second part of this lesson we’ll apply the technique to an arrangement of the picking session standard, Salt Creek, out of capo 2 in the key of A. Go to lesson...

Shuckin’ The Corn: Guitar Lesson

Shuckin’ The Corn is certainly a favourite fiddle tune of many banjo picker’s, for good reason, it’s great! This guitar arrangement will allow you to pick along with the tune, and impress those banjo picker’s who may lay claim to the tune 😉

In the key of G and played at a fast tempo, this arrangement is suited to the advanced picker, with challenging techniques that all require strong technique to play clearly and fluently. Go to lesson...

Star of Munster: Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson

The Star of Munster is a traditional Irish reel, in the key of Am (dorian). In this lesson we’ll dive into a fingerstyle arrangement that will suit the advanced picker. Featuring some challenging articulation, the melody moves in an interesting way, which will certainly present a challenge at times. Played at a fast tempo, the Star of Munster will make an excellent addition to your fingerstyle repertoire! Go to lesson...

Sweet By And By: Guitar Lesson

‘In The Sweet By And By’ is a popular, old gospel song that is always a great session sing-along!  In the key of C, this arrangement features some lovely crosspicking, with a variation for both the verse & chorus melodies. I’d suggest this tune is suited to the advanced picker, but as always, in this lesson we’ll break down the tune and look at some helpful tips. Go to lesson...

Ten Penny Bit: Guitar Lesson

G’day! In this Ten Penny Bit: Guitar Lesson, we’ll take a look at the basic melody of the tune. The Ten Penny Bit is a traditional Irish Jig in the key of Am (dorian), sharing the same key signature as G (F#).The left hand note combinations are relatively straight forward, but is quite a challenge for your right hand! Go to lesson...

Three Sea Captains: Guitar lesson

The Three Sea Captains is a traditional Irish jig, played at a medium tempo, in the key of G. With a jolly melody, both the A & B parts are longer than the usual fiddle tune, making for a more substantial tune to pick. I’d suggest that you need to be comfortable with the jig structure, as this tune takes it up a notch with a variety of rhythmic variation featured throughout, making this tune more suited to the advanced intermediate picker.  Go to lesson...

Whiskey Before Breakfast (Adv): Guitar Lesson

Hey! In this guitar lesson we’ll take a look at Whiskey Before Breakfast. There are 2 versions in this arrangement – the first is played mainly in the open position around open chords, while the second is played using the floating technique and ventures up the neck.

Floating is a technique of playing open strings in combination with fretted strings. Go to lesson...