Tag Archives: Key of G

O Come All Ye Faithful: Christmas Fingerstyle Guitar

‘O Come All Ye faithful’ is a beautiful Christmas carol and in this fingerstyle guitar lesson, we’ll learn a variation that supports the melody in both 2 & 3 part harmony. In the key of G (drop D tuning), the dynamic rises and falls as the harmony moves in and out of 2 & 3 part, high & low, creating a lovely sense of contrast to the piece. The Go to lesson...

Lesson 09 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Turkey in the Straw & Key of G)

In this ninth instalment of the beginner mandolin crash course, we’ll cover:

  • The G Major Pentatonic Scale;
  • G, C & D Arpeggios;
  • The “G” Chop Chord (And the C & D variations);
  • Basic chop chord rhythm;
  • And finally, we’ll learn a version of ‘Turkey in the Straw’, a well known American folk song, that is a great session tune, that utilises the G major pentatonic, arpeggios & chop chords covered in the lesson.
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John Hardy (Ver 2): Guitar Lesson

John Hardy is a traditional American folk song, and a session regular. In this lesson. we’ll dive into an arrangement that has 3 bluegrass style breaks, in the key of G. The first break is great for a kick off, and is also the easiest of the 3. As we progress, the breaks become more involved, and the 3rd break is up the neck and suited to the advanced picker. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 2: Guitar Lesson

In this second instalment of Bluegrass Licks, we’ll dive into a more modal set of licks, in the key of G. We’ll focus on licks played over the G, D & F chords, while looking at how to link and transition between the chords. Our example chord progression is the old standard ‘Little Maggie’, but there are many great tunes and songs that feature the F chord in the key of G. Go to lesson...

Waiting for the Federals: Banjo Lesson

Waiting for the Federals is a traditional American Barn Dance, with a great melody, played at a brisk tempo. In this lesson, we’ll look at an arrangement with 2 variations that uses both the melodic and single-string techniques, while incorporating same tasteful embellishment and ornamentation on the melody. In the key of G, the banjo is in standard tuning, and this arrangement is suited to the intermediate picker. Go to lesson...

Bluegrass Licks Vol. 1: Guitar Lesson

In many styles of music, having some knowledge of how to phrase licks and ‘get the sound’ is important, and in this lesson, we’ll do exactly that, by learning some great sounding bluegrass licks! In the key of G, we’ll focus on licks played over the G, C & D chords, while looking at how to link and transition between the chords. Go to lesson...

You Are My Sunshine: Crosspicking Guitar Lesson

You Are My Sunshine is a very popular song, and in this guitar lesson we’ll look at an arrangement that features the crosspicking and floating techniques, suited to the intermediate picker. In the key of G, this arrangement has 2 variations that both require a strong left-hand technique and a high level of right-hand control. Go to lesson...

Shuckin’ The Corn: Guitar Lesson

Shuckin’ The Corn is certainly a favourite fiddle tune of many banjo picker’s, for good reason, it’s great! This guitar arrangement will allow you to pick along with the tune, and impress those banjo picker’s who may lay claim to the tune 😉

In the key of G and played at a fast tempo, this arrangement is suited to the advanced picker, with challenging techniques that all require strong technique to play clearly and fluently. Go to lesson...

Big Sciota (Version 2): Guitar Lesson

Big Sciota is certainly one of my all time favourite fiddle tunes, and this is the second version here on the website. In the key of G, this arrangement is suited to the advanced picker, with challenging techniques that include deep tones, floating and chordal, that all require strong technique to play clearly and fluently. Go to lesson...

Lesson 03 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Key of G & Fireball Mail)

In this jam packed lesson we’ll cover:

  • The open position G major scale & arpeggio (full open position);
  • Work on an excellent right-hand, double picking exercise;
  • Two new open chords along with several rhythm exercises and a standard turnaround chord progression;
  • And finally, we’ll learn a great version of ‘Fireball Mail’ with two variations.
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