Tag Archives: Bluegrass

Wayfaring Stranger: Mandolin Lesson

In this mandolin lesson we’ll look at a movable break for ‘Warfaring Stranger’ using the minor pentatonic scale, double stops & tremolo. Wayfaring Stranger has a wonderful melody, but being a song, can be played in many different keys, usually chosen by the vocalist. Having a break that you can easily transpose is a very handy thing to have up your sleeve. Go to lesson...

Cumberland Gap: Mandolin Lesson

G’day! In this mandolin lesson we’ll take a look at the traditional fiddle tune, Cumberland Gap. A challenging, faster tempo bluegrass tune played in the Key of G. There are several variations within the break and is a challenging tune for the advanced picker. In this lesson we’ll break down how to play the tune, focusing on some exercises for fluency and exploring ideas to increase your tempo. Go to lesson...

Wayfaring Stranger: Banjo Lesson

G’day! In this Wayfaring Stranger: Banjo Lesson, we’ll take a look at a great arrangement for the beginner/intermediate picker, containing 2 variations of the melody for both the verse & chorus.

This arrangement is in the key of Em, but can be easily capo’d to other keys up the neck.  Go to lesson...

Arkansas Traveler: Mandolin Lesson

G’day! In this jam packed Arkansas Traveler: Mandolin Lesson, we’ll take a look at a fun & challenging arrangement for the intermediate/advanced picker. The arrangement has 2 variations of the melody for both Part A & B. Arkansas Traveler is a traditional fiddle tune in the key of D.

The first variation is a basic version of the melody with a handful of tricky licks for the advancing beginner/intermediate picker. Go to lesson...

Mountain Dew (Build A Break): Mandolin Lesson

G’day! In this Build A Break mandolin lesson for ‘Mountain Dew’, we’ll take a look at 3 variations, starting out with the basic melody (beginner), adding double stops to the melody (intermediate) and finishing with melody, double stops & added passing notes (advanced).

The arrangement is in the key of Bb, and is a movable break. Go to lesson...

Devil’s Dream: Banjo Lesson

G’day! In this Devil’s Dream: Banjo Lesson, we’ll take a look at the basic melody of the tune for the intermediate picker, focusing on the single-string technique. Devil’s Dream is a traditional fiddle tune in the key of A. It has challenging left hand note combinations featuring both arpeggios and scale passages and is a great work out for your right hand, alternating between the thumb & index fingers during many 8th note passages, but is darn fun to play & a great session tune! Go to lesson...

Angel Band: Mandolin Lesson

G’day! In this mandolin lesson for ‘Angel Band’, we’ll take a look at an advancing intermediate arrangement of the song, using double stops, in a movable pattern (Key of B). The arrangement has 2 variations, one each for the verse & chorus melodies.

‘Angel Band’ is a popular, old gospel song that is always a great session sing-along! Go to lesson...

Liberty: Banjo Lesson

G’day! In this Liberty: Banjo Lesson, we’ll take a look at the basic melody of the tune for the progressing intermediate to advanced picker, focusing on the melodic technique. Liberty is a traditional fiddle tune in the key of D, and this arrangement is played in standard open G tuning. Go to lesson...

Devil’s Dream: Mandolin Lesson

G’day! In this Devil’s Dream: Mandolin Lesson, we’ll take a look at the basic melody of the tune for the advancing beginner/intermediate picker. Devil’s Dream is a traditional fiddle tune in the key of A. It has challenging left hand note combinations featuring both arpeggios and scale passages and is a great work out for your right hand, crossing strings during many 8th note passages, but is darn fun to play & a great session tune! Go to lesson...

Life’s Railway To Heaven: Mandolin Lesson

G’day! In this mandolin lesson for ‘Life’s Railway To Heaven’, we’ll take a look at an advancing intermediate arrangement of the song, using double stops, in a movable pattern (Key of C). The arrangement has 2 variations, one each for the verse & chorus melodies.

‘Life’s Railway To Heaven’ is a popular, old gospel song that is always a great session sing-along! Go to lesson...