Mandolin Essentials #4: Linking Double Stops-Part 1

In the fourth Mandolin Essentials lesson, we’ll cover how to link double stops with scales & arpeggios in one streamlined position. It’s an important skill for improvisation, melody/break construction, fill licks, etc. If you’re wanting to improve your improv, having a sound knowledge of these closed position patterns will grow your mandolin muscles ready for the next time a break comes along…in any key! Areas of study include:

  • 3 double stops;
  • Major Blues Scale/Major Pentatonic Scale;
  • Major Arpeggio (one octave);
  • 4 scale/double stop linking exercises;
  • And we’ll finish with an analysis of an example break for Mountain Dew which applies the patterns learnt in the lesson.
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Please note: The PDF tab/notation is only available to members for this lesson, as you’ll also need the video instruction to help get on top of the patterns.