Start here to learn the basics, like how to hold the mandolin, plectrum, tuning, basic technique & how to read mandolin tablature. Take your time to consider the points in this lesson, as they will certainly help build good habits from the beginning.
Category Archives: 101 Beginner Mandolin Crash Course
Lesson 02 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Key of D Major & Angeline The Baker)
In this lesson, we’ll cover the open position D major scale & arpeggio (plus how we can move the patterns to 2 other keys), learn a great entry level version of ‘Angeline The Baker’, a fiddle tune in the Key of D, and two open chords to play along with the tune. Go to lesson...

Lesson 03 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Key of G & Fireball Mail)
In this jam packed lesson we’ll cover:
- The open position G major scale & arpeggio (full open position);
- Work on an excellent right-hand, double picking exercise;
- Two new open chords along with several rhythm exercises and a standard turnaround chord progression;
- And finally, we’ll learn a great version of ‘Fireball Mail’ with two variations.

Lesson 04 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Key of A & Cripple Creek)
In this chockablock beginner lesson we’ll cover:
- The open position A major scale & arpeggio (full open position);
- Work on two excellent right-hand exercises; a double picking exercise & alternate picking exercise;
- Four new open chords, introduce four chop/movable chords, along with several rhythm exercises and a turnaround chord progression in the key of A;
- And finally, we’ll learn a great version of ‘Cripple Creek’ with two variations.

Lesson 05 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Key of D & Soldier’s Joy)
In this mammoth beginner lesson we’ll cover:
- The open position D major scale & arpeggio (full open position);
- Work on two excellent right-hand exercises; a double picking exercise & alternate picking exercise;
- The relative chords (1 4 5 6m) in the Key of D, including both open and movable shapes, with rhythm exercises to develop technique;
- And finally, we’ll learn a great version of ‘Soldier’s Joy’, a popular session tune in the Key of D, which applies the techniques we learnt practicing our scales, arpeggios and right-hand exercises.

Lesson 06 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (3/4 Time & Ash Grove)
In this sixth instalment of the beginner mandolin crash course, we’ll cover:
- Chords relative to the key of D major and example rhythm in the 3/4 time signature;
- How to help the feel/groove in the 3/4 time signature;
- And finally, we’ll learn a great version of ‘The Ash Grove’, a popular waltz in the Key of D.

Lesson 07 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Wayfaring Stranger & Key of Am)
In this seventh instalment of the beginner mandolin crash course, we’ll cover:
- The A Natural & Harmonic Minor Scales, and the Am Arpeggio;
- Chords relative to the key of Am and Wayfaring Stranger;
- Double Stops;
- Tremolo technique;
- And finally, we’ll learn 2 versions of ‘Wayfaring Stranger’, a popular folk song. (Basic & Embellished).

Lesson 08 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Greensleeves & Key of Dm)
In this eighth instalment of the beginner mandolin crash course, we’ll cover:
- The D Natural, Harmonic, Dorian & Melodic Minor Scales;
- Dm & A7 Arpeggios;
- Common intervals used in arpeggios, scales and chords;
- Tremolo technique;
- And finally, we’ll learn 2 versions of ‘Greensleeves’, a well known English folk song. (Basic & tremolo).

Lesson 09 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (Turkey in the Straw & Key of G)
In this ninth instalment of the beginner mandolin crash course, we’ll cover:
- The G Major Pentatonic Scale;
- G, C & D Arpeggios;
- The “G” Chop Chord (And the C & D variations);
- Basic chop chord rhythm;
- And finally, we’ll learn a version of ‘Turkey in the Straw’, a well known American folk song, that is a great session tune, that utilises the G major pentatonic, arpeggios & chop chords covered in the lesson.

Lesson 10 – Beginner Mandolin Crash Course (The Clare Jig & 6/8 Time)
In this tenth instalment of the beginner mandolin crash course, we’ll cover:
- The A Dorian Minor Scale;
- Am, G & Em Arpeggios;
- the 6/8 time signature;
- Rhythm exercises in 6/8 time;
- And finally, we’ll look at a great tune, The Clare Jig, using the techniques covered in the tech work exercises.